Tesda Sindalan San Fernando City
Tesda Sindalan in San Fernando City with their full details and complete location map posted below. It is also posted the courses offered and how to apply the tesda scholarship and the requirements.
- Office/Name: TESDA Pampanga Provincial Office
- Provincial Director: BEN-HUR B. BANIQUED
- Location Address:PEO Compoud, Sindalan San Fernando, Pampanga
- Telephone Number: (045) 455-0259
- Fax Numbers: (045) 455-0259
- Email Address: tesdapam@mozcom.com
Tesda Courses Offered
- Massage
- Barista
- Welding
- Computer
- IT Courses
- Language
- Housekeeping
- Butcher
- Ref / Aircon
- Baking and Pastry
- Waitering
- Cosmetology
- Culinary
- Dressmaking / Tailoring
- Call Center
- Bartending
- Wine Mixing
- Tailoring
- Caregiving
- Electronics
Tesda Sindalan Guide Map and How To Get There Information
How to get there the accredited training center in San Fernando branch? just follow the map guide provided below.
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