OWWA Cordillera Autonomous Region

Informing we have branch of OWWA Cordillera Autonomous branch with their complete location address and contact number for more details about on how to become a member and asking adequate info of OFW's benefits, scholarship, business loan requirements and so forth. Try to visit their website - owwa.gov.ph.

  • Office Location Address: No. 17 RM Building, Private Road, Magsaysay Avenue, Baguio City 2600
  • Director:  MANUELA N. PEÑA
  • Mobile Number: +63927-4685268
  • Hotline Numbers: +63999-9949296 ; +63917-5001294
  • Telephone Numbers:  (074) 300-3658
  • Fax Number: (074) 445-2260
  • E-mail Address: car-0@owwa.gov.ph and owwa_car24@yahoo.com

Benefits of an OWWA Member
For a US$25.00 membership contribution, an OWWA member is designated to the following benefits:

  • Insurance Care Benefits
  • Health Care Benefits
  • Education and Training
  • Loan Guarantee Fund
  • Social Services
  •  Family Welfare Assistance
  • Workers Assistance and On-site Services

Two ways how to an OWWA member

  • Enrollment upon processing of contract at the POEA
  • By voluntary registration of OFWs at job-sites overseas

If you have questions concerning any of the following:

  • Public query on OWWA programs and services,
  • Application to assist OFWs who are in-distress abroad           
  • Follow-up on previously-filled requests for assistance,   
  • Checking of world developments affecting OFWs or   
  • Allocation with OWWA regional and overseas offices.

OWWA Cordillera Autonomous Guide Map

If you want to reach the place easily, just follow the complete direction or map guide of OWWA branch in Cordillera Autonomous region.

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