Canada UK Show Money - Proof of Funds Loan for Filipino Skilled Workers and Students Going Abroad

Canada UK show money, proof of funds or bank fund is a very important requirement for people going abroad especially in the United Kingdom or Europe and Canada. According to the official website for Canada immigration and UK immigration, proof that you have enough money to support yourself while you are in the country destination. This evidence should always be included in the application whether for long distance education or study program or for working abroad as a skilled worker. To apply as a skilled worker, please visit here.

Aside from having proof of a bank account existing in the form of funds, you must also provide and present this material proof to the Canadian and UK visa office for authentication and cross checking. Many who are looking for this type of money loan in the Philippines can find a service wherein a bank certification will be issued under the borrower's name but he will not be able to get a hold of the actual fund documentation, instead, as again, this will just be part of the scheme to pass pre-qualifying requirements to go abroad either as a student of as a professional and skilled worker.

Today, the most prevalent of all work abroad and study abroad programs include those Pinoys and other nationalities bound for Canada and UK or some parts of Europe. For more information, you may visit the official Canada immigration website at For the official government website of UK, please visit this page -

How Much Canada UK Show Money is Needed or Required?

Proof of funds is computed and figures are given through the basis of how many family members are accompanying you. This data is being updated each year for changes. According to the Help Center website of Canada for immigrating federal skilled workers, the investment money (Canada UK show money) from the designated entity cannot be used to cover living expenses.

In Canada, basically, you can bring as much money as you can provided it does not exceed the amount C$10,000 which the allowable amount. Bringing in more than that treshold government allowable money may be subject for questioning and imprisonment. It is highly suggested to make a research on how much it costs in a particular place in Canada or UK where you want to settle, live or work so you have an idea on the exact amount you need to bring in with you.

Please note that these amounts may be in the form of cash and proof of properties and capital payable under your name.

Number of Family Members Funds Required (in Canadian dollars)
1 $11,824
2 $14,720
3 $18,097
4 $21,971
5 $24,920
6 $28,105
7 or more $31,291

Fill Up Our Show Money Application Form

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please enter the word that you see below.


UK Council for International Student Affairs Requirements for Study Program Visa Issuance

The following list of requirements must be furnished and submitted in accordance to the UKCISA (United Kingdom Council for International Student Affairs) before a visa is issued allowing an entity or person to be allowed to travel for study purposes in UK. You can visit the actual link to the details of these requirements to study abroad in the UK here. If you want to avail of an extra service, there are a few travel agencies and private agencies that allow service of processing your application and documentation for a fee. You'll just have to be good at searching for them online using your internet.

  • Your qualifications
  • Assessment of your English language ability
  • Financial evidence
  • Consent of current or previous official financial sponsor, if they are a
  • government or an international scholarship agency
  • Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)
  • Letter from your parents if you are under 18 years old
  • Translations
  • Photographs
  • Police Registration Certificate

When is Canada UK Show Money or Proof of Funds Not Necessary

According to the official Canada immigration website, you will not be required to provide or show that you have proof of funds if:

  • you have a valid offer of arranged employment in Canada AND
  • you are currently working or authorized to work in Canada



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